 Well we have just updated, the Humour pages, We wish to appologise to those of you who have sent things in over the last month, and the time it has taken to publish them. We have been working hard getting Wrestle-Zone up and running. Added we have a joke from P.Burton, some pic's from Dee these are a few. Click here to view our humour pages
Internet Shopping, We take a look at Internet Shopping as it is on the increase in this country. How safe is it really ? Our experiences on Internet Shopping, Links to some of the sites we have used and recommend. Have a look you might save some money.
Worlds 3D Chat, World's is a 3D chat environment, where you are an avatar (character) and chat to others in a 3D world. The main floor of chat has Host's that monitor the chat. Which keeps out the abusive element. Click Here to find out more.
Scotts Story, Scott was born 12 weeks premature, follow his fight for life, from the moment of his birth to the day he came home. The ups and the downs, the joy and the sadness. Click here to read his story.
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